Treat Info

Kathy Lillie's picture

Where things are found and what to do

Orchestra sections are assigned a Wednesday (or two) during the quarter to bring treats. Sections & leaders will be sure to check schedule for assigned date. Contact each other to avoid duplication. It helps to come a little early and be sure coffee is prepared and set out treats, tea and snack supplies. Note if supplies are low, your group should let Kathy know or arrange to have someone update supplies for the following week, more hot cups for example.  Collection box is also there to refill supplies.  (Reimbursement is through the collection box or treasurer).

Important: Before leaving, the section will be responsible for making sure the kitchen is cleaned, supplies put away, coffee pot cleaned, and refill of supplies is arranged; many hands make it light work.

  1. break supplies are in the kitchen island, front, RIGHT SIDE, in and around a white plastic box.  We need hot and cold cups, napkins, coffee filters, various teas, decaf coffee which the group members can refill as needed for the following week; if there's not enough money in the collection box, ask for reimbursement from the treasurer.
  2. The coffee machine is on the counter NEXT TO THE bathroom door.  No need to heat tea water; the pot is plumbed, just use the red lever spout.  Before rehearsal starts, it is optional to make a pot of coffee. Instant coffee is provided. If coffee is desired, always use the bottom burner.  NO NEED TO ADD WATER for coffee, just put fresh coffee in the basket in a filter, be sure the unit is on and push start.
  3. On the kitchen window serving counter place various teas, napkins, hot/cold cups, treats and the yellow tip box for $ to help buy supplies.
  4. Facing the south wall, there are two refrigerators.  The one on the left is for non-church groups-RCS and other renters like us.  You may leave drinks in the frig if they will still be good next week;  mark with black marker, "RCS, date."  Throw out old stuff as needed.
  5. After rehearsal all the kitchen supplies need to be put back into the box and into our side of the island cupboard (right side).  Please return the tip box to the cupboard.  NOTE:  on the left side there is another box just for the Women's Chorus.


-Kathy Lillie
