June 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Saturday, June 23, 2012

RCS Board of Directors Meeting

In attendance:
Doug Potter
Paul Plesha
Cari Sutton
Gennie Winkler
Cheri Paulin
John Dunne
Svetlana Gladycheva
Madeline Beery
Teresa Metzger Howe
Dana Rosenbladt

Old Business:
April minutes – approved

Results of E-mail voting since the last meeting:
1. The conductor’s new contract was approved and accepted.
2. A conductor’s bonus was approved.

New business:
The treasurer submitted a final report for the 2012 season. Income was slightly more than expected and expenses were more than projected in part due to the one-time cost of new timpani instruments. The full budget report will be posted on the website.

A proposed budget for the 2013 season was presented and line items were discussed. Income and expenses in the 2013 season are expected to closely match the 2012 season.
Dues will remain at $50 per quarter for the coming year.
The proposed budget was accepted by unanimous vote of the Board.

Conductor’s Report:
Next season repertoire was presented. The music selection includes three of the orchestra’s favorite pieces played by RCS during the last ten years.

The draft 2012 schedule was approved without changes. The Fall start date is Sept 12th.

The orchestra’s experiences with previous venues were discussed comparing costs, audience turnout, and accommodations. University Christian Church was selected as the final concert venue each season and various nursing homes were proposed for practice concerts. Further research will be required to make a final choice.

Grant report:
The $1800.00 grant payment was received from 4-Culture.

New ideas for donation and grant funds:
Combined orchestra/choir concert will attract a larger audience.
“Highlight” orchestra uniqueness; age range of members, non-audition policy, and sectional training.
Emphasize personal experiences and growth of members taken from member survey.
Distribute pledge cards rather than request cash.
Sell raffle tickets for CD at concert.
Keep track of former donors.
Identify specific benefits of donations like the Timpani Fund.

Summer Retreat:
The date chosen for the Summer Retreat was July 22 from 3:00 to 9:00 and the location will be Madeline’s house. Board members will bring a potluck item.

Storage space at the Church:
Bruce is working with church and band members to relocate timpani in the storage area to the best advantage of all.

Web site:
An updated mailing list will be prepared early in the new season.

Action items:
Libby volunteered to conduct a survey of orchestra members and she will be asked to do so by July 22.

Madeline and Svetlana will meet to reconcile differences in membership and dues collection figures.


Submitted by Paul Plesha for Lindsey Harris, Secretary