Rain City Symphony Board Meeting Minutes
Doug Potters Home
June 9, 2010 6:30 p.m.
Present: Maria Akiyama Doug Potter Gennie Winkler
Alan Shaw Cheri Paulin Cari Sutton
Teresa Metzer-Howe Carol Horowitz Bette Robbins
Old Business
1. Fall Fund Raiser. After discussion, it was decided to continue with a fall fund raiser for the University Churches Emergency Fund (UCEF). Gennie will contact the funds office to elicit their assistance to use one of the UCEF churches, at no cost, for the fall concert on Dec. 1, 2010. University Congregational, University Christian, or University Lutheran may be possibilities. University Presbyterian has offered to assist with publicity to its congregation.
2. April 28, 2010 board minutes. Approved as posted on the web without comment.
New Business
1. Member survey. Member survey results were distributed and discussed. Useful information included comments about venues, ensembles and member reasons for participation. The results may be useful for use in securing grants.
2. 2010-2011 schedule. Approved as proposed by Doug Potter.
3. Treasurers Report.
A. The proposed budget was approved with the following amendments:
Music purchase $120
Music rental $150
Publicity printing $250
B. Increase to members quarterly contribution was discussed. The bank balance is
very adequate to handle the proposed budget deficit of $311. The orchestra does
not have a reserves policy.
C. The Wedgewood Church rental agreement was approved as posted.
4. Conductors Report.
A. A tentative program for the year was presented and will be finalized soon.
B. The requested purchase of the Vivaldi Concerto for 2 Oboes (CM) was approved.
C. The Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra program cover was presented as an
example for a way to reduce future costs and labor and serve as a branding tool
for RCS. Inserts would reflect the current season and be our only recurring cost.
D. Teresa requested that a simple procedure be put in place to select ensembles who
would like to perform before the concerts.
5. Membership Report. Summary 2009-10
Members: Fall 51 Winter 54 Spring 53
New members heard about the orchestra primarily through word of mouth and on line.
In the last three quarters, three scholarships were requested and offered.
Four members contributed funds above the requested contribution level.
The member roster and email addresses were regularly updated as changes occurred.
6. Library Report.
All music has been filed and/or returned to Teresa.
A summer library work party is needed to pull and stamp music for the next season.
Given Caris uncertain schedule, Aki will schedule. This will need to be coordinated
with the church. Cari noted that Sat. afternoons often conflict with JoAnns group.
7. Sectional Coaches.
Teresa would like to hold off on brass coaches until she reviews the scores.
And Teresa will get the strings music to Gennie one month prior to the quarter for
bowings and makings.
We can continue with our use of past coaches.
- Teresa will contact brass coaches.
- Alan will contact strings coaches.
- Cari will contact woodwinds coaches.
8. Grants.
At the April 28 board meeting, John Dunne suggested that the Board develop a vision for the orchestra in order to strengthen grant solicitation and renewals. A Board retreat was proposed for the summer. Alan graciously offered his home. Aki will email Board members for available Sat. /Sun. dates. John will be invited to help preside over the meeting.
9. Other items.
A. Alan, as Vice President, will develop the next slate of Board candidates for 2011 for the annual meeting on Nov. 3, 2010.
B. Gennie suggested that a social function chair be appointed to take care of kitchen supplies and coordinate the Spring potluck. Aki will make section snack assignments for the next year.
C. Wedgwood Church Keys FYI. Teresa, Cari, Roy and Aki have keys to the building and library.
D. Proposed venues for 2010-11:
Fall: Norse Home and a University Dist. Church TBD
Winter: Four Freedoms and Beth Shalom or Faith Lutheran
Spring: Mirabella and Saint Andrews
E. Next Board Meeting: Wed., August 18 at Alan Shaws, 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bette Robbins, Secretary