In attendance: Madeline Beery, Hanan Bell, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Linda O’Gara, Kathleen O'Keeffe, Koko Morgan, Doug Potter, Dana Rosenbladt, Bruce Sherman, and Gennie Winkler.
The August 26, 2017 minutes were approved as amended.
Madeline checked on the dates for the King County 4-Culture and the Seattle Arts and Culture grants. The King County grant is due in April 2018. The Seattle grant application for the 2017-2019 cycle is past due. Madeline will check to see if we can apply for a cycle beginning 2018.
There are several other ways to raise money. Matching funds challenge grants have worked in the past, so this challenge will take place again winter and spring quarters. We have a donor for the winter quarter and need one for spring.
Three other ways to raise money are through Amazon Smile, Give Big Day in May, and companies matching donations. The Amazon Smile has been used by other groups. They found that it raises very little money and is hardly worth the effort. The Give Big Day is a good way to ask for money and has potential. Members need to be encouraged to have apply for their companies matching funds if available.
General meeting - Board Member's Terms
The people with terms expiring are Dana, Hanan, and Gennie. Madeline needs to be approved by the members. Hanan and Gennie are willing to continue their with their positions. Dana would like to find a replacement for her.
Mary's Place will be opening in the South Lake Union Neighborhood in a building that Amazon bought. This might be a venue for chamber groups to perform expanding our audience and earning us some good will with Amazon.
Hanan was given permission to purchase another box for the library.
Check in One Year Action Plan
1. Increase orchestral membership for needed sections through networking
2. Develop a plan for donor acknowledgements - Kathleen & Linda
3. Raise orchestral donations in lieu of increasing dues
4. Improve relationship with the Music Center of the Northwest (MCNW) - explore improving lighting and sound
5. Track audience size--need to get one person to count the audience at the pre-concerts and concerts - Bruce
6. Need pictures of the concerts for grants - Bruce
7. Document job positions - all responsible (Gennie and Teresa have complete theirs)
8. Identify additional roles
9. Create a succession plan for the recruiting new Board Members
10. Survey the members at the end of the season to see how they felt the year went.
11. Secure funding for improving lighting and sound baffling. Work with MCNW to see what they think of possible changes.
Next Meeting
Next meeting will be a General Meeting November 1, 2017 at 7:30 pm.