RCS Board Meeting – October 16, 2013
Board members in attendance: Patricia Shannon-Garvey, Gennie Winkler, Linda O’Gara, Madeline Beery, Doug Potter, John Dunne, Dana Rosenbladt, Lindsey Harris, Teresa Metzger-Howe
Minutes from Sept meeting approved as amended
Percussion equipment: No insurance on the percussion equipment yet. We’re trying out Lori S.’s glockenspiel and may be able to buy it from her if we like it.
- Patricia has talked to KING and NEST.
- KING FM under-writing: we can advertise (8 announcements over the week leading up to the concert, for $300-$500). We could try to get a publicity sponsor, $1500/yr, for the radio announcements, for instance. We could appeal to orchestra members at the general meeting and at the winter/spring concerts (not fall).
- NEST might be able to bring seniors from the NE to our concerts. Patricia will let John know if it comes through for the grant writing purposes.
- Shia Lyon (sp?) of the Live Music Project would like to add us to her website to advertise our concerts. She would also feed data collected about what composers/music the public would like to hear to Teresa.
- Patricia has one copy of the collated responses from last year’s concert questionnaires. Results tallied from about 36 people total.
- Patricia has about 10 more people/emails to add to the Friends of the Orchestra mailing list. She is glad to keep the mailing list up and send out emails about concerts.
- We’ll use the same audience questionnaire for our concerts this year. Patricia can distribute and collect them.
- Programs: Cheri would like the info for the program in three weeks. She needs:
o a list of orchestra donors from the past year for the back page of the program (from Linda) → she plans to update this list quarterly and the list will start with those that donated as of Sept.
o bios/pictures for the soloists (Doug will ask the soloists for their information to put on the website and to give to Cheri for the program)
General Meeting coming up on Nov. 6th:
- Dana will recruit 2 new board members:
o Membership: Someone who is tech savvy and can arrive to some rehearsals early, ideally. Madeline will write up a Membership head task list and instructions for updating the website.
o We need to recruit a librarian also.