Rain City Symphony – June 12, 2013 - Board Meeting
Attendance: Gennie Winkler, Linda O’Gara, Doug Potter, Lindsey Harris, John Dunne, Carol Horowitz, Teresa Metzger Howe, Dana Rosenbladt, Patricia Shannon-Garvey (visiting as potential board member/ publicity volunteer)
Teresa’s Contract for next year:
-$200/service for the season, with all other conditions the same as last year. Teresa has agreed to the contract.
-Bonus of $350 approved.
January Board minutes approved.
-Steve has resigned. Patricia might help, but wants to talk to Cheri first. Patricia reserves her decision about serving on the board.
Next Season’s proposed repertoire:
- Teresa presented full repertoire plan for next season. Approved by board.
- Some pieces will be downloaded from IMSLP. (String music would be downloaded and copied by Laurel). This will save lots of money.
- 3 coaches accepted the offer to perform with us next year: Kim Zabelle, violin; Dan Williams, Oboe; Jo-Ann Christen, trombone - each soloist offered $200 for 2 rehearsals and 2 performances (Meg Brenand would be interested in performing another year.)
- Gennie will check on Midsummer Musical Retreat having Enigma Variations, so that we don’t have to pay to rent.
- We should not list the specific Christmas music to be played on website.
- Need bass clarinet for Khatchaturian. Linda can play it.
- We’ll have to find more wind players (4 saxes, etc.) for Concerto for Trombone and Military Band. Jo-ann providing the music. Strings not playing that piece, so they might want to perform as chamber groups (2 chamber groups at the most).
- Slightly shorter concerts next year were purposeful.
- Rental costs for next season: $50 to BYSO and $50 to Thalia. (If MMR cannot provide Elgar, then $100 to BYSO)
Fiscal Report:
- Fiscal Year (7/1/2012-6/30/2013) Actual vs. Budget
- We have 11,000 in the bank, but we accounting is not final yet.
- Univeristy Christian Church is all over the map with what they actually charge us for use of the space (usually under-charging). Haven’t yet been billed for UCC rental for this past Winter or spring concert.
- Member donations are up.
- Grants are lower than budgeted. After we have official 2012-2013 finances, John will submit and we will get $2,100 from 4Culture for 2013-14. This is the only grant money to count on for next fiscal year. But there is a chance we could get more.
- “Music rental“ cost category can be deleted. “Music” category will need to be updated: higher copying costs and lower rental costs.
- We’ll have more detail on next fiscal year’s budget at the summer retreat.
Summer Retreat Meeting:
- Decided on 6:30 meeting on Wed. September 4th. It will happen at Doug’s house, with potluck dinner. Will discuss next season and 5-year goals.
Rehearsal Venue:
- Nothing to report on rehearsal space and storage. Doug will be scheduling meeting with Wedgewood Comm. Church about renewing. Should say that we intend to store 2 tympani, but take out the filing cabinet. We might have to pay more for more storage space if we get it. We need to leave that meeting with a storage solution.
Concert venue:
- Gennie will send Lindsey the document with notes from this year’s potential venue search to post on website.
- Gennie will schedule next year’s dates at Uni. Christian Church .
- Other performance venues same as last year: Norse Home (winter concert), Providence Mt. St. Vincent in West Seattle (fall concert), Josephinum (Spring Concert)
- Gennie will let us know if any of the concert venues don’t work out.
- Dana did a great job with front of house and potluck management at concerts.
- We could still use a stage manager. Betty would be good as a volunteer in this position; Gennie will ask Betty.
- Kline Galland (retirement home) in Seward Park might be a good concert venue.
Insurance for tympani:
- We don’t have insurance on it yet. Doug will ask around.
John gives special thanks to Dana for helping get audio/visual part of Arts and Cultural Affairs grant proposal in by the deadline.