General Meeting November 10, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Election of Board Members
Candidates for Board membership were presented to the Symphony members and the floor was open to nominations.
The following Symphony members were unanimously elected to the Board for a two-year term: Hanan Bell, Charlotte Hotchkiss, Jackie Kirn, Bruce Sherman, and Gennie Winkler.
Koko Morgan, Doug Potter, Kathleen O'Keeffe, and Anne Warner will be continuing to serve on the Board. Kathleen will be resigning later this year. The Symphony needs someone to fill her position.

Madeline Berry was thanked for the work she has done. Jackie Kirn will be taking over her position.

Next Meeting
The next Board Meeting is Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at the Music Center or on Zoom at 7:00 pm.