Approved Items
The meeting minutes from December 7, 2016 were approved as amended.
Doug has completed one grant and another one is not due yet. The Development Director's position needs to be filled.
Treasurer's Report
The symphony members have been generous with their donations. We are still running a positive balance.
Vice President's Report
The sectionals seemed to be of value to most everyone.
Music Director's Report
Teresa will be meeting with the soloists to better understand how they would like to be accompanied by the symphony. The soloist for next year is an Oboist, one of Dan William's students.
Publicity Report
We need someone to replace Cheri, who has been doing the graphic design work for our flyers. It would be good to get someone with knowledge of Indesign software or another graphic software. The flyers for the spring concert need to be completed early, so the soloists will have them to promote the concert.
For spring quarter there are 55 members with two needing to pay.
The same venues will be booked for the 2017 - 2018 season.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 7:00 pm at Doug's House.