In attendance: Madeline Beery, Hanan Bell, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Koko Morgan, Linda O’Gara, Kathleen O'Keeffe, Doug Potter, and Kim Waggie.
Minutes for October Board Meeting and November General Meeting
The minutes for the October and November meetings were approved as amended.
Election of Officers for 2020
At the November 6, 2019 General Board Meeting Madeline Beery, Hanan Bell, Bruce Sherman, and Gennie Winkler were unanimously re-elected to the Board of Directors by the members of the orchestra. The board elected these new members to the following positions: Development Director - Madeline Beery; Librarian - Hanan Bell; Membership Director - Bruce Sherman; and Vice-President - Gennie Winkler.
Below is a full list of the Board of Directors and their positions.
President: Doug Potter
Vice-President: Gennie Winkler
Secretary: Koko Morgan
Treasurer: Linda O'Gara
Music Director: Teresa Metzger Howe (ex officio)
Membership Director: Bruce Sherman
Librarian: Hanan Bell
Venue Coordinator: Kim Waggie
Publicity Coordinator: Kathleen O'Keeffe
Development Director: Madeline Beery
The Symphony member's have continued to donate funds in addition to their membership fee. This has helped keep the Symphony's finances on track for the fiscal year. The Fall Benefit Concert for the United Churches Emergency Fund raised $2,000.
Grant Status
The reports to receive the grant money from the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture program have been submitted. The King County 4Culture application has also been submitted.
Music Status
The music for the Winter Quarter in available to print from the Rain City Symphony's website. The Walton score doesn't match all the instrumental parts, which may prove a little challenging.
Publicity Status
For the Fall concert the reader board placed at the entrance to the theater. It looked very professional and welcoming. There were enough programs for all the attendees.
Membership Status
There were 75 symphony members Fall quarter.
Venue Status
The preview concert at the Norse Home is questionable. They have not responded to Kim's inquires about letting us play. We need a place to perform the preview Winter Concert.
Next Meeting
The next Board Meeting is February 5, 2020 at 6:30 pm at the Music Center of the Northwest.