In attendance: Hanan Bell, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Koko Morgan, Linda O’Gara, Doug Potter, Bruce Sherman, and Gennie Winkler
The January 2018 minutes were approved.
Board Position
Kim Waggie was elected to the Symphony Board.
Getting Risers from UCC
We will talk to University Christian Church in the fall to arrange for getting risers.
String Coordination
Doug will let people know when there is a need for string coordination.
Donations at Concerts
The donation box needs to be managed at the concerts. We need to find someone to do this.
The donations and matching grants were more than expected this fiscal year, thus we have a surplus. This surplus might be needed to offset the potential increase in costs of renting a concert hall. Currently, the concert hall budget is $1,000 per year.
Email Status
At the moment Doug is the only one who can send an email to the entire symphony. He is working to fix this. Please send emails to him and he will forward them.
Concert Venues
A new concert venue is needed because the University Christian Church is being sold and assumed torn down. The new venue requirements are that it is available on Wednesday evening, can be rented for four hours, and a sound person is available, if needed. We also need a room to have our final concert potluck in.
Possible venues include the Seattle Mennonite Church in Lake City, the Plymouth Church - downtown, the Unitarian Church in Wedgwood, and the University Temple United Methodist Church - University District. The Seattle Mennonite Church is in the old Lake City movie theater. It holds 400 people, has a ramp to the stage, a large parking lot, and a place for the potluck. The cost is $75/hour plus the cost of a sound man. Teresa, Doug, and Gennie will check it out and arrange for a rehearsal to be held there. The Plymouth Church cost is $1,200 for 2 rehearsals, plus a room for instrument cases and personal items. More information needs to be gathered about the other sites.
Grant Status
Both the City of Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and the King County 4 Culture grants have been re-awarded at the same levels. The Plymouth Church grant of $1,500 can be applied to both, this and next, fiscal year's grants.
Check in on one year action plan
One Year Action Plan
1. Increase orchestral membership for needed sections through networking - need more basses
2. Develop a plan for donor acknowledgement - Kathleen, Linda and Koko
3. Raise orchestral donations in lieu of due increase
4. Improve relationship with the MCNW explore improving lighting and sound - Doug
5. Track audience size--need a head count at the pre-concerts and concerts - Bruce
6. Need pictures of the concerts for grants - Bruce
7. Document job positions - all responsible
8. Identify additional roles
9. Create a succession plan for the recruiting new board members. Need more board members with new ideas and more ownership of the board.
10. Survey the members at the end of the season to see how they felt the year went
11. Secure funding for improving lighting and sound baffling. Work with Music Center of the Northwest and see what they think of possible changes - Doug
Next Meeting
Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at Doug's house.