Rain City Symphony Meeting of the Board of Directors February 20, 2008
Attending Officers:
Kathy Lillie President
Cari Sutton Librarian
Natasha Close Treasurer
Cheryl Teague Membership
Gita Gilvydis Publicity
Carol Horowitz Venue
Teresa Metzger Howe Conductor
Paul Plesha Secretary
January meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer Matching money was received from two sources this quarter. The Bullitt Foundation donated $150.00 and Microsoft donated $574.00
Conductor rehearsal costs were reduced this quarter to nine sessions due to the coaching session. Cari offered to check the RCS P. O. Box in Wedgwood periodically so that Natasha will not need to make a special trip to the post office.
Library The library is currently in excellent shape with little pick to do at this time. An organizing session will be held if necessary after the winter concert this year.
Venue Venues are as previously planned for this quarter and next. Info on dress code and arrival times will be handed out at the last rehearsal night or by E-mail. General discussion of venue choice: Based on neighborhood attendance patterns. Grants accepted from King Co. may dictate a wider audience and exposure. Generally, about one third of the concerts were dedicated to retirement home venues and two thirds to community church venues.
Membership Forty-eight members had signed up so far this quarter and there were 2 guest musicians as well. Dues collected totaled 2045.00 without counting matching donations. A one half-price scholarship was granted to one person and dues for two percussion players were reduced to $25 due to the absence of percussion coaching opportunities. Musicians with outstanding membership payments will be reminded to pay-up before the concert.
Publicity A draft of the concert program was shared with board members. The number of copies needed was estimated to be about 70 for distribution to musicians, nursing home audience and posting. Ads will be placed in Craig's list, Seattle weekly, NW Sounder, and through King FM radio. The concert program file will be available on the website for anyone to make additional copies.
Conductor New music for next quarter will be picked up and string parts will be sent out for marking.
Presentation At the request of the board, Doug Potter (RCS Webmaster) attended the board meeting to discuss website opportunities with board members. His comments were as follows: A new provider was selected that will allow mail in plain text. The site will support pictures, programs, and brochures, as well as text. The organization purpose and goals statement used in the website may need updated word smithing. Additional possible material on the site could include: 501C info, board meeting minutes, budget facts, annual financial statement, performance info, past concert programs, membership rosters, and board member info. Further discussion of pros and cons of these options was advised in the near future.
President Forms 1099 and 1096 were sent out and a State of Washington Report was filed. RCS official address problems were resolved. The conductor is amenable to return as conductor of RCS for another year and formal discussion of the contract will be planned prior to the next board meeting. The planned date of the board meeting is April 2 at 6:30. Sectional coaching sessions survey results were discussed. Location of some groups may be changed in the future to alleviate crowding and noise interference. The brass section needs better attendance to get the best use of coach's talents and fully develop balance and intonation in the section. June 4 and September 3 were recommended as possible dates for the pre-season and after-season board meetings.
Respectively submitted,
Paul Plesha RCS Secretary