Rain City Symphony
Meeting of the Board of Directors
April 2, 2008
Attending Officers:
Kathy Lillie President
Bruce Finlayson Vice President
Cari Sutton Librarian
Natasha Close Treasurer
Cheryl Teague Membership
Gita Gilvydis Publicity
Carol Horowitz Venue
Teresa Metzger Howe Conductor
Paul Plesha Secretary
February meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
General Discussion of Conductors Contract
The contract covers a 32-week commitment; Q1 has 10 rehearsals plus two
concerts and Q2/Q3 have eight rehearsals plus two concerts each.
Board members asked for a clarification of contract language relating to
It was pointed out, in Article 4 of the contract, that the last sentence
is incomplete possibly due to word processor error. A suggestion was
made that it should be deleted from the contract. (Follow-up: The incomplete sentence was deleted in 2008-09 contract. It had been carried down through the last two years at least and may have been the original version. There is no past contract from which to extract what was the intention of the original writer.)
It was recommended that the contract should state that the start date is
September 10.
Following a discussion of several options, the Board approved, by a
voice vote, an offer of a 7% increase in the conductor's salary.
The contract text will be corrected and circulated to board members by
e-mail for approval. For voting purposes, a minimum return of 5
responses (out of 8 board members) will be required for a quorum.
The current cost of operations exceeds the income of the orchestra in
part due to the cost of quarterly sectional coaches this year held and
as a result reserve funds are being drawn down.
Additional outside sources of income may include: County Parks and
Recreation Grants, donations and other sources.
It was reported that the current space available for storing music
scores at the rehearsal site is inadequate.
Board members suggested that the final concert reception should take the
form of a "family friendly" gathering with potluck dishes donated. This
year, the final concert at the Beth Shalom venue will require kosher
dishes. For this purpose, the definition of kosher needs to be more
clearly described and RCS members will be notified.
The Wedgwood Community Church fundraising concert has not proved to be
very productive in the last few years and it may need to be dropped from
the itinerary in the future.
Due to time limitations, monthly membership, publicity, and conductor,
reports were postponed until the next scheduled meeting.
Respectively submitted,
Paul Plesha
RCS Secretary