Rain City Symphony
Meeting of the Board of Directors
April 30th, 2008
Attending Officers:
Kathy Lillie, President
Bruce Finlayson, Vice President
Cari Sutton, Librarian
Cheryl Teague, Membership
Gita Gilvydis, Publicity
Carol Horowitz, Venue
Teresa Metzger Howe, Conductor
Paul Plesha, Secretary
Natasha Close, Treasurer
I. April 2nd meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. (Minor comment made about use the word "respectively".)
II. Reports
A. Treasurer (Kathie in lieu of Natasha)
- Most expenses for this quarter have not yet been paid and Natasha projects a loss of $200 by the end of the quarter.
- RCS has received and increase in donations and matching funds this quarter. A significant portion of donations came from Anne Petter's funeral.
- Checks have been issued to sectional coaches.
- Cari informed the board that fee has been paid to Beth Shalom for performance space rental.
- Teresa noted that check still to be issued to Thalia for music rental.
- Cari informed board of break-time donations "box of money" she found the cookie bin. Board discussed giving the money to Natasha to deposit in account, but decided to use it for expenses related to post-concert reception at Beth Shalom.
B. Membership (Cheryl)
1 35 paid members = $1615 dues collected
2 $260 donations (most from Anne's funeral)
3 $150 in matching funds (Bullitt Foundation?) - could be added to Anne's fund, but no clear decision made.
4 Current roster reviewed. The following orchestra members are not participating this quarter:
Katie Nickel (violin)
Bruce Sherman (violin)
Bob Dolan (French horn)
Mike Lundquist (trumpet)
Don Fleming (trumpet)
1 The bassoon situation is unclear. Penny Bugni and Heather Whitney could be invited as guests if new bassoonist, Justin, not available.
2 There will be one new trumpet player joining the orchestra.
3 Teresa requested permission to invite Tom Hampton (trombone) and Jeff Taylor (tuba) as guests for the spring concert.
4 Cheryl to issue updated roster next week (May 7th).
5 Board approved purchasing flowers from Pike Place Market for Teresa (and Letitia?) for final concert. Cheryl to purchase.
C. Registrar
1 Margaret (violin) a possible volunteer, but unclear.
2 Carol has volunteered for this position if nobody else volunteers.
D. Venue
1 Beth Shalom ready for concert.
2 Issue of lighting to be further investigated by Carol.
3 Advertisement placed in their newsletter.
4 Kosher food discussion for reception:
o Cari brought kosher snacks for break and volunteered to show orchestra what kosher symbols to look for when purchasing food.
o No vegetable platters unless pre-washed and pre-bagged (kosher available at Costco)
o Fruit is ok
o "Box of Money" to be used for reception expenses, such as paper plates, napkins, etc.
5 Board voted and approved inviting all in audience to reception.
6 Carol will send reminders and information sheets about concert to orchestra.
E. Publicity (Gita)
7 Gita to bring tickets and flyer next week to rehearsal. (May 7th)
8 Images to be sent to board for approval via email before printing.
9 Teresa to send Gita program write-ups.
10 Kathy gave Gita photo and information about Anne.
11 Gita to send announcements to local media.
F. Library (Cari)
12 Beethoven "Overture to House..." music cannot be found in files. Cari to look further under German title.
13 No need for work crew for library (yet).
14 Space becoming an issue. Discussion of additional shelving/cabinets. Possibility to acquire from Boeing Surplus or Craig's List.
G. Vice President (Bruce)
15 Bruce will say a few words about Anne during concert.
16 Donation money collected in her name to go towards a scholarship fund and purchase of special music.
H. Conductor (Teresa)
17 Board approved inviting guest players for concert.
18 Teresa will inform Cheryl, Kathy and Gita of players for roster and program purposes.
19 Discussion of original music given to Lucas, new bassoon player.
I. President (Kathy)
20 Grant application for Seattle Arts taking considerable amount of time, but once completed it will be a great template to follow. (All information submitted online.)
21 Kathy attending a workshop on May 2nd for Seattle grant writing process.
22 No further information about the King County grant.
23 Discussion of proposing new kitchen set-up/clean-up system: whoever brings treats for the evening would come early to set-up and stay late to clean-up. Idea to be proposed to orchestra.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gita Gilvydis for Paul Plesha