Rain City Symphony
Meeting of the Board of Directors
April 1, 2009
Attending Officers:
Kathy Lillie President
Cari Sutton Librarian
Doug Potter Treasurer
Margaret Bustion Venue
Julie Gerrard Publicity
Carol Horowitz Membership
Teresa Metzger Howe Conductor
Paul Plesha Secretary
February meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
New Business
General discussion of renewal of the conductors contract was conducted. Board members recommended an increase in compensation to $170.00 per week for the orchestra Conductor. The recommendation was approved by a unanimous vote by board members. Board members also voted to approved a bonus of $200.00 to be paid to the conductor at the end of the season.
The treasurer will present a summary of income and expenses at the April 22 meeting
After the first rehearsal for spring quarter, 26 members had paid dues. The money collected was given to the Treasurer for deposit.
A general discussion of the scholarship program and scholarship donation issues
was conducted.
At the Four Seasons concert location later this Spring, we need to request 2-3 parking spaces reserved near the front door for certain instruments and musicians if possible. At the Norse Home location a revised system for replacing the tables and chairs in their original locations after the concert is also needed.
Clarification of payment the requirement and timing at the St Andrews concert site is needed. A sign-up sheet for the reception potluck was recommended to aid in organizing the event.
The status of music files is good.
Samples of fliers and the concert program are being prepared in advance of the deadline so that they can be reviewed by Apr 22.
A local newspaper interview article may be an option for publicity preceding the next concert.
Scores for sectional coaches were made available.
Concert programs should be available at both concerts
A solo violinist guest artist was recommended for next year. The featured concert music has yet to be decided.
New contract terms were presented to the conductor and the offer was accepted.
Reported that 33 and 47 people respectively, had attended the two concerts last quarter.
Next Meeting Apr 22, 2009
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Plesha
RCS Secretary