Rain City Symphony
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Aug 26, 2009
Attending Officers:
Kathy Lillie President
Bruce Finlayson Vice President
Doug Potter Treasurer
Carol Horowitz Membership
Teresa Metzger Howe Conductor
Paul Plesha Secretary
June 3 meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
The treasurer presented a summary of income and expenses to the Board and posted a copy to the website.
Matching funds ($800) and Grant money ($750) were deposited in the RCS account.
Federal tax forms for were submitted.
The sign-up sheet that will be used in the new fall season will have a column added to record how new members learned about RCS.
Fall season venues are the Norse Home and Faith Lutheran church. Additional venues for winter season were discussed. A list of requirements was assembled for future venue searches.
Printed tri-fold fliers were handed out to board members for distribution to music stores in the local area.
Due to remodeling in the church basement, the music library has been moved to temporary quarters.
Vice President A partial list of music that the RCS has played in the past was compiled and more information will be added as it becomes available.
The Vice President will act as the head on the nominating committee for new officers to fill vacant positions in the 2010 season.
Music for fall has been ordered and bowing instructions will be completed for all pieces.
The slate of officers for the coming season and by-laws were discussed
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Plesha
RCS Secretary