Rain City Symphony Board Meeting Minutes
Wedgewood Community Church
January 27, 2010 6-7 pm
Present: Maria Akiyama Doug Potter Gennie Winkler
Alan Shaw Carol Horowitz Cheri Paulin
Teresa Metzger-Howe Bette Robbins
Absent: Cari Sutton
Meeting Minutes
1. The board approved the following process. The secretary will send board meeting minutes as draft. Board members will review and send corrections to the secretary. Corrections will be made and the minutes made final by the secretary and uploaded to the website. This change will be added to the standing rules.
2. The draft 11/04/09 board minutes were approved.
3. The current board was approved by the membership at the General Meeting on 11/04/09.
4. The Wedgewood Community Church use agreement was approved by the 2009 board.
5. The payment schedule for the Conductor to a monthly basis was approved by the 2010 board.
Computer Skills
The computer skills of board members were reviewed to ensure we can all receive data electronically and to better understand our skill set if/when one of us may need assistance. Doug reiterated that attachments are not allowed using the Orchestra and Board group email addresses. Instead attachments can be uploaded to the website and links sent with mail.
Duties of the Officers
1. Sectional responsibilities were added to the duties of the Vice President.
2. The duties of the Publicity Chair were reviewed and are to include ads (print media, radio, Craigs list, etc.) Other duties include: brochure, flyers, tickets, table invitations at nursing homes, concert programs. Teresa will supply program notes to the Publicity Chair 4 weeks prior to the concert each quarter.
3. Gennie will ask for help from the membership for administration of the current grants and define the timeframe and other requirements for each. These are about 25% of the current budget income.
4. Gennie will continue to take responsibility for bowing and fingering of string music.
5. Aki will talk with Cari about library assistance needs in general and in light of the new storage space. Additionally, we need to establish and all understand the process to be sure that original music is available on site at each concert. (Note: It is legally acceptable to play from copies if the original music is available on site.)
Membership Report
Carol reported that 50 members have paid this quarter. Only two, possibly three, remain unpaid to date.
Treasurers Report
1. The budget changes were approved as proposed.
Rehearsal Space $1080 Publicity $ 200
Storage Space $ 150 Conducting $5300
Insurance $ 200
2. Changes to the Standing Rules were approved as follows:
- There shall be board meetings at least once each quarter. The default time and place is 6:30 pm on the third Wednesday of each quarter at Wedgewood Community Church. There shall be a meeting during June to set the schedule and venues to the following season. The Board may adjust this schedule as necessary.
- The General Meeting minutes will be approved at the next board meeting. The Secretary shall then give notice to the orchestra that draft general meeting minutes are available on the web site for review and corrections by orchestra members. At its next meeting, the board shall consider any corrections received and declare the minutes final.
Publicity Report
Cheri will review the publicity requirements and prepare a detailed plan to include timing and financial needs for each item.
Venue Report
Winter venues: Four Freedoms and Faith Lutheran
Spring venues: Mirabella and St. Andrews (Mirabella will pay us $200-no donations)
Gennie has a database of about 100 sites and has visited 20. Evaluation criteria include configuration of the orchestra, price, availability, parking and bus access.
The winter quarter concert at Faith Lutheran was approved as a fund raiser for the University Emergency Fund.
A new procedure for providing snacks and cleaning up the kitchen was approved. The Board will be responsible for the first rehearsal each quarter. Sections will work out the details within their groups. The schedule for the remainder of winter and spring quarters will be as follows:
February 3 first violins and violas
February 10 second violins
February 17 woodwinds
February 24 cellos and bass
March 24 Board
March 31 brass and percussion
April 7 first violins and violas
April 14 second violins
April 21 woodwinds
April 28 cellos and bass
May 5 brass and percussion
May 12 first violins and violas
May 19 second violins
(Fall quartercontinue rotation: Board, woodwinds, cellos and bass, brass and percussion, first violins and violas, second violins)