Rain City Symphony Board Meeting Minutes
Wedgewood Community Church
April 28, 2010 6:30pm
Present: Alan Shaw, Doug Potter, Cheri Paulin, Gennie Winkler, Cari Sutton, Carol Horowitz, Bette Robbins, Teresa Metzger-Howe, John Dunne
Absent: Maria Akiyama
Alan Shaw chaired the meeting in Akis absence.
Old Business:
The January board meeting minutes were approved via email.
New Business: snack-to-do list
1. Conductor contract and bonus. The draft contract as submitted by Doug was approved. The board approved a raise for the next year to $180/ service. A $350 bonus for the current year was moved, seconded and approved. Teresa subsequently accepted the contract both at the meeting and via email.
2. 2010-2011 Concert Schedule. This item was deferred to the June meeting.
3. University Churches Emergency Fund Raiser. Aki suggests that the fund raiser be held at the fall, 2010 concert. It was noted that communication from this organization has been little or none in the past several years. It was proposed that Aki send a memo to the membership requesting suggestions for a new community organization to support. Student musicians/music programs would be more in line with the purpose of the Rain City Symphony.
4. Potluck/Responsibility. Gennie will see that the potluck at St. Andrews is set up, purchase paper products and talk to the membership about bringing food and beverages.
5. Reminder of grants for larger venues. The budget allowance of $400/year and the increasing size of the orchestra limits the venues where RCS can play. It was suggested that the next years budget be increased to allow more options. $1500/year was proposed as a more appropriate amount and be emphasized in future grant requests.
6. RCS grants-John Dunne. Thanks to John for taking on this big job. John requests that the board set goals and a vision for the orchestra so that new grants can be pursued. He will continue to pursue the grants that we currently have. Time limited adequate discussion on this topic. It needs to be rescheduled to the June meeting or a meeting set up specifically on this subject.
7. Treasury matters. The treasurers report was emailed on April 27. Doug does not see any particular surprises or concerns.
8. Membership report. The membership chairs was emailed. The questions dealing with additional contributions was not discussed. Carol noted that scholarship assistance has been informal and intentionally, not announced. Carol also noted that if additional income is needed, a dues increase might be in order since they have not been increased for several years.
9. Concert checklist. The checklist was amended to include a. flowers for the soloist and composers as needed, and b. a greeter at the door.* Cheri volunteered her husband for the June 2, 2010 concert.
10. Snacks responsibilities. An old snacks to-do list, created by Kathy Lillie, was found. Alan will contact Kathy to obtain an updated computer version of this list to be made available to all symphony members.
11. Publicity. Cheri report that publicity costs for the last concert were $121.09. $69 of was for an ad in the University Herald. Given the timing of the publication, it was decided not to incur this expense for the next concert.
Respectfully submitted,
Bette Robbins