Rain City Symphony
Board of Directors Meeting
Wedgwood Community Church
January 19, 2011
Meeting called to order at 6:35 PM
Present: Maria Akiyama, pres., Alan Shaw, VP, Doug Potter, treas., John Dunne, sec., Carol Horowitz, Cheri Paulin, Cari Sutton, Gennie Winkler, Teresa Metzger-Howe, music dir.
Old Business
1. The minutes from the Nov. ?, 2010 meeting had been approved by email vote.
New Business
- Treasurers Report: Treasurers report was submitted in writing. C. Paulin made a correction to the amount for printing. $213 has been spent for printing so far. The corrected Treasurers report will be posted on the website.
- Conductors Report: None
- Membership Report: 41 members have paid full membership with one partial and one scholarship member. The roster on the website has been updated. G. Winkler noted that the actions of the Board have helped with recruitment.
- Librarians Report: Not all of the originals from this cycles music have been returned for filing. Cari Sutton noted how difficult it is to lift the percussion equipment by her self to sort and file music. Several suggestions were proposed to help Cari with this problem.
- Publicity Report: Submitted the bill for the printing. C. Paulin said that she would reprint the cover and add new inserts for successive concerts
- Report on sectionals: Woodwinds will be at Svetlanas, 1st violins location has not been decided, 2nd violins will be at Kims. Other sectionals will continue at their prior locations.
- Fund-raising Report: Several potential funding sources were investigated but only two potential sources remain: Horizons Foundation and Norcliffe Foundation. If the Norcliffe Foundation decides not to fund new percussion equipment, would the Board want to raise funds to purchase used percussion equipment? The Board tentatively agreed raise $5000, if Norcliffe does not agree to fund. J.Dunne will report to the Board as soon as he hears from Norcliffe Foundation.
- Miscellaneous
There was discussion of the venue at the University Unitarian Church, the difficult acoustics in the hall but the positive feedback from the audience. Audience attendance was estimated to be at least 300.
Continued rental of the bass drum from Kathy Ramm was discussed. The Board decided in inquire whether she would consider selling the drum to us and if so, how much. J. Dunne agreed to contact her.
G. Winkler brought up the question of next years venues and whether the Board wanted to settle on one venue or continue to rotate. Decision deferred.