Rain City Board of Directors
April 6, 2011
Meeting called to order at 6:25 PM.
Present: Marie Akiyama, pres., Alan Shaw, vice pres., John Dunne, sec., Carol Horowitz, Carrie Sutton, Gennie Winkler, Teresa Metzger Howe, music director. Absent: Doug Potter, treas., Cheri Paulin
The minutes of the Jan 19, 2011 Board meeting were approved.
Treasurers Report: There is a current balance of $7700
There was a discussion of funding for the tympani purchase. The Board ruled out the possibility of a loan. A grant will be submitted to 4Culture for $3500, roughly 1/3 the cost of a new tympani.
There was a discussion of the dues for invited percussionists. The previous Board decision was that only the music director, Teresa Meztger Howe, could authorize inviting players without dues. It was agreed that high school students who are invited to fill a particular musical need would not be required to pay dues. A suggestion was made to create a policy and procedure guidelines manual to avoid confusion in the future.
Current paid membership is 26. About 25 regular members have not yet made their dues payment for this cycle. Carol Horowitz had a question about depositing the membership checks while the treasurer, Doug Potter is out of town. She will attempt to make the deposit.
Sectionals are set for all but the first violins where there are multiple date conflicts.
The concert schedule was discussed, especially the issue of performances on the weekend vs. continuing Wed. performances. Gennie Winkler was concerned that changing to weekend performances would automatically eliminate some members because they work then. The Board agreed to defer any consideration of changing the concert day. A question about the day of concert on members year end questionnaire will be added to the yearend member survey. Discussion for a new venue focused on the University Unitarian Church where we had the largest audience. Gennie Winkler will approach the University Unitarian Church about having all concerts there for the 2011-2012 season.
John Dunne brought up a request to add an additional Board member who would be responsible for development, such as grant writing and other fund raising activities. We will check the bylaws to see if a change in the bylaws is necessary to add an extra Board position.
John Dunne also raised the issue of more frequent Board meetings so that more could be accomplished. There was general agreement that this would be helpful. Meeting every six weeks was suggested. This will be put to an email vote so that absent Board members could also vote on this.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30PM.
Interim Board of Directors decisions: By email vote the Board decided to purchase a used bass drum from Kathy Ramm for $400, stipulating to her request that she be allowed to borrow the instrument for up to one month, as long as it did not conflict with a RCS dress rehearsal or concert performance. There was also an email vote unanimously approving the Wedgwood Community Church contract for using the space for rehearsal and storage.
Submitted by John Dunne