Board Members in attendance: Patricia Shannon-Garvey, Linda O’Gara, Dana Rosenbladt, Madeline Beery, Doug Potter, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Lindsey Harris, Gennie Winkler
Minutes: October board meeting minutes approved. Lindsey will write up and post minutes for general board meeting
Elected officers for upcoming board members:
Doug elected President
Dana elected Vice President
Lindsey elected Secretary
Linda elected Treasurer
Patricia elected to Publicity
Hanan will serve as Librarian
John elected to Development
George elected to Membership
Gennie elected to Venues
(Lindsey is elected to 1 year term and others are all elected to 2 year terms.)
Actions decided upon in this meeting:
• Linda will look into fixing up the budget.
• Gennie will schedule a brass sectional at the Presbyterian Church in Lake City, and Teresa will attend to hear the acoustics.
• Patricia will write a 1 pg. summary of the questionnaire and will send it around for approval before sharing with the orchestra.
• Lindsey will ask Jessica P. about creating/maintaining a facebook page and creating concert events on facebook and will get back to Patricia by January.
• Dana/Rubin/Patricia working to upoad Beethoven and Elgar on YouTube.- Dana and Teresa will review the videos before they are up on YouTube. Doug will send a thank you card to Rubin.
• John is nominated to come up with a process (through communication with Linda) for listing those who donate over $50 in the concert programs. How do we make sure that people are okay with having their names published? How can we make the process manageable for Linda?
Treasurer’s Report
• Liberty Northwood Insurance bill should be paid soon, but Linda hasn’t seen it. – New Property Insurance add on will cover $12,000 – Linda will call Joanne to inquire about the bill.
• We have more than 1/3rd of the dues that we budgeted for the year.
• Music rental fee will be off, because Thalia didn’t cash our check until after the fiscal year.
• We received a $500 donation at the fall concert, so Doug will right a thank you note
• Concern raised that we’ve already gone over budget on music copying with fedex – we think that cost of Winter Quarter copies is already included. We will only be copying string music for Sibelius next quarter.
• We have $6,812.12 in checking account and $5,055.95 in savings account.
• “Playing” budget should be retitled as “Soloists” and revised to be a $600 budget.
• Something in the budget is off, we don’t think that we should have as great a loss as projected currently. Expenses perhaps shouldn’t be so high, even with the slight raise in rent. “Rehearsal” budget number is about $1,600 too high. Linda will look into fixing up the budget.
Grant Status
• We have received money from 4Culture and will have to apply again next year.
• We’re happy with W. Seattle venue and University Christian Church.
• University House on Stone Way is a possibility for performing in future years, Gennie will need to look into it to see if there is enough space for us.
• We’ve already committed to Josephinum and Norse home for this year.
• Presbyterian Church in Lake City would have us for rehearsals, but there is no storage available right now and the room may be too cavernous for decent acoustics. – Gennie will schedule a brass sectional there, and Teresa will attend to hear the acoustics.
• Plymouth Church downtown is renovating and may have enough space for us to rehearse in the sanctuary. Renovation may be completed by September 2014.
• We think that we had 144 people, and earned $1,432 for UCEF (the largest yet).
• Patricia worked with the UCEF lead to publicize the concert to other churches. She has permission to do the same for the next 2 concerts.
• Patricia had about 150 advertising contacts, including KING fm NW Focus announcements → We will link KING fm website on our website (the NW Focus logo specifically has been sent in their email)
• Questionnaires:
- We should print 200 next time.
- CD to raffle: Gennie will provide cd, but it’s Teresa’s choice of cd.
- Getting questionnaire results to the orchestra: Show that the board has reviewed all of the data. Publish a 1 pg. summary of the results of the questionnaire, not all of the nitty-gritty details/comments of a few. Patricia will write the summary send it for approval.
- Next winter, UCEF would like to be included on the questionnaire: “If you want to receive mailings from UCEF, check here.”
• RCS Facebook page has been mentioned – Lindsey will ask Jessica P. about creating/maintaining a page and concert events and will get back to Patricia by January.
• Dana/Rubin/Patricia working to upoad Beethoven and Elgar on YouTube.- Dana and Teresa will review the videos before they are up on YouTube. Doug will send a thank you card to Rubin.
• John is nominated to come up with a process (through communication with Linda) for listing those who donate over $50 in the concert programs. How do we make sure that people are okay with having their names published? How can we make the process manageable for Linda?
Music/Personnel coming up:
• We’ll need more clarinet players and a euphonium player for the one band number.