In attendance: Hanan Bell, John Dunne, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Koko Morgan, Linda O’Gara, Doug Potter, Dana Rosenbladt, Bruce Sherman, and Gennie Winkler
Approved Items
The minutes from the May 2016 meeting were approved.
List of email approved items:
Teresa contract for next year and bonus
Next season's schedule, which is posted on the website
Music Director's Report
Next year's repertoire for fall quarter will consist of pieces composed by Russians. The offertory for the church's homeless fund will be accompanied by a Ralph Vaughn Williams piece. The winter quarter will include a piece with the Seattle Girl's Choir. The spring quarter concert will include a double concerto for violin and cello. The soloists are two professionals from the area.
Publicity Report
Kathleen will be trying to increase attendance by contacting the Red Hat Society and the retirement homes, which have their own buses, to see if they are interested in coming.
Vice President's Report
The following board members will be up for re-election Linda, Koko, Doug and John. We are still looking for someone to fill the Development position. Chris Worswick will be asked to be the coach for cellos fall quarter. The basses will continue to have their own coach. The brass will alternate coaches.
Treasurer's Report
The Symphony's checking account is $9,546 and the saving is $5,059.
Librarian's Report
Let Hanan know if any former members are returning or if there will be new people, so he can let them know about music.
Development Report
the King County's 4Culture grant was been submitted for 2014 - 2015 fiscal year.
Membership Report
The number of members for spring quarter was 58, which was down a little from fall quarter.
Venue Report
The concert at the Norse Home was attended by more people than in the past years, because they have more residents. The University Christian Church parking lot will be a construction site beginning in September 2016. Parking will be tight.
Review of Last Year's Action Items
One Year Action Plan
Recruit string bass players - Patricia ongoing
Improve membership registration - Doug done
Include PayPal donations links in the program - investigate taking donations by credit card via a smart phone reader - Patricia ongoing
Develop a plan for donor acknowledgement - John, Patricia, Linda ongoing
Join ASCAP through MCNW or directly - Doug, Hanan done
Modify bylaws to include non-discrimination clause - Doug done
Have conductor walk in when introduced, orchestra stands - Doug done
Revised Five Year Plan
Have a full orchestra (including 4 string basses)
Better stagecraft
Increase audience at concerts
Regularize preview venues so they are consistent from year to year
Eliminate barriers to expanding musical options
This year's retreat will be at Doug's house on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 3:00 pm.