In attendance: Hanan Bell, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Linda O’Gara, Kathleen O'Keeffe, Koko Morgan, Doug Potter, Dana Rosenbladt, Bruce Sherman, and Gennie Winkler.
The June 14, 2017 minutes approved as amended.
The 2017 - 2018 fiscal year budget will basically remain the same as last year's budget. This year's actual expenses were $1,098 more than what was budgeted. For the 2017- 2018 season the dues will remain the same. However, the members will be encouraged to donation additional money to help stem off a deficit. A performance rights fee might need to be added to the budget.
General Topics
The concert venues are set for next year. The question of whether the concert time should be moved from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm was brought up. This question will be put before the symphony members during the fall quarter.
The music for fall quarter will need additional percussion.
Dana will contact Meg Brennand to be the coach for the cellos. If she is not available Nathan Whittaker will be asked. Brass coach will alternate between the important instruments.
Graphics for music programs will be done with the assistance of Ann Warner.
One Year Action Plan
1. Increase orchestral membership for needed sections through networking
2. Develop a plan for donor acknowledgements - Kathleen & Linda
3. Raise orchestral donations in lieu of increasing dues
4. Improve relationship with the Music Center of the Northwest (MCNW) - explore improving lighting and sound
5. Track audience size--need to get one person to count the audience at the pre-concerts and concerts - Bruce
6. Need pictures of the concerts for grants - Bruce
7. Document job positions - all responsible
8. Identify additional roles
9. Create a succession plan for the recruiting new Board Members
10. Survey the members at the end of the season to see how they felt the year went.
11. Secure funding for improving lighting and sound baffling. Work with MCNW to see what they think of possible changes.
Revised Five Year Plan
1. Have a full orchestra
2. Increase attendance at concerts
3. Eliminate barriers to expanding musical options
4. Better member participation in the orchestral operations
5. Increase donations network
6. Improve rehearsal space
Next Meeting
Wednesday, October 18, 2017 - 6:30 pm