The meeting was called to order by President Doug Potter. Also attending were Hanan Bell, Madeleine Beery, Linda O’Gara, Kathleen O'Keeffe, Gennie Winkler, Kim Waggie, and music director Teresa Metzger-Howe.
The minutes from the June Board meeting were read and approved.
The budget was distributed and discussed. It was determined that we continue to need to request contributions from the orchestra members in order to avoid raising dues. The budget was approved.
The status of our grant applications was discussed. The King County 4Culture grant will be filed in the next 3 weeks. The paperwork for the Seattle Arts and Culture grant has been filed and a check is expected. No filing will be required for that grant next year. Plymouth Church will provide a grant for the December concert.
The concert venue will move to the Lake City Mennonite Church next year. They have agree to waive their fee for the December charity concert. Publicity will be needed for this concert both because it is for charity and because we are performing a work that hasn’t been previously performed in this country. Posters will be developed, and we will try to get Teresa on KING-FM and/or KUOW.
The sectional coaches will be unchanged for this coming year.
The action plan from the previous year were reviewed and revised. It was noted that the orchestra size is adequate although there is still a need for more bass players. It was noted that there had been an issue with donor acknowledgement and we still need a policy on donor acknowledgement. As mentioned above the policy on seeking member donation instead of raising dues would be continued. Little had been done to improve relations with MCNW and improving lighting and sound. It is expected that more will be done when the new MCNW is in place. There is a continuing need to have a picture taker, audience counter, and donation watcher for our concerts. Several issues have arisen requiring action. The appropriate additions to the prior year action plan have been inserted into the new plan.
The five year action plan was reviewed and revised. The third item (Eliminate barriers to expanding musical options) was deleted since it had been accomplished.
The revised plans are:
One Year Action Plan
1. Identify alternative venues for preview concerts--Kim
2. Increase the number of string basses—have Anna as a coach to get her to encourage more--Gennie
3. Keep dues low and encourage contributions -- Doug
4. Maintain and improve relations with MCNW -- Doug
5. Continue to track attendance, get pictures and watch donation box—Bruce and Madeleine?
6. Document job descriptions for Board members except for as already done--everyone
7. Recruit a person to do surveys at end of year--Doug
8. Increase publicity to increase attendance—Kathleen and Madeleine
9. Fix the mailing list problems – Doug
10. Find a venue setup manager—Doug
11. Track donations and acknowledgements—Koko with input from Doug and Bruce
Five Year Action Plan
1. Have a full orchestra
2. Increase attendance at concerts
3. Better member participation in the orchestral operations
4. Increase donations network
5. Improve rehearsal space
The next board meeting will be held October 10, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.