In attendance: Teresa Metzger-Howe, Koko Morgan, Linda O’Gara, Doug Potter, Bruce Sherman, Kim Waggie, and Gennie Winkler
Approval of Minutes
The May 2018 minutes were approved.
Acknowledgement of items passed by email vote
Teresa's bonus for this year and her contract for the 2018 - 2019 season were passed by an email vote.
Coaches Payment
The proposal to increase the coaches payment to $120 was pass unanimously.
2017 - 2018 Season's Concert Attendance
The attendance at the various ventures was as follows: Providence Mount St Vincent 100, Norse Home 34, Josephium 39, University Christian Church: Fall 160, Winter 100, Spring 100.
Venue Status
Lake City Mennonite church usage will cost $450 per concert. Doug will discuss waiving this fee for the fall concert in lieu of it being a Benefit concert. Providence Mount St Vincent is not sure if they want us to return. This might be a time issue. We may be able to begin the concert at 7:15 pm. Norse Home said this will be our last year. We will continue to look for places to play.
Linda needs to give Madeline the names of the people who donate over $200, so they can be acknowledged.
Yearly Retreat
The yearly retreat will be Sunday, August 12, 2018 from 4 -8 pm at Doug's house.