In attendance: Hanan Bell, John Dunne, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Linda O'Gara, Koko Morgan, Doug Potter, Dana Rosenbladt, and Patricia Shannon-Garvey
1. Approval of minutes
May 6, 2015 meeting minutes approved as amended.
2. List of email
The following email items were approved by the board:
a. Teresa's bonus approved
b. 2016 Schedule
3. Music Director's report
Next year's repertoire is listed below by quarter.
Fall 2015
Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20a (all movements except the 4th)
Holiday music
Winter 2016
Karl Goldmark (1830-1915), Symphony No. 1, Ländliche Hochzeit, Op. 26 (Rustic Wedding Symphony) (1876)--movements: 1. Hochzeitsmarsch (Wedding March), 2. Brautlied (Bridal Song), 3. Serenade, and 4. Im Garten (In the Garden)
Spring 2016
Giovanni Gabrieli (~1554-1612), Canzon Duodecimi toni
Lars-Erik Larsson (1908–1986), Concertino for Bassoon & String Orchestra, Op. 45/4 with soloist Julien Tsang
Jules Massenet (1842-1912), Scenes alsaciennes (Suite No. 7)---movements: 1. Dimanche matin (Sunday morning), 2. Au cabaret (At the cabaret), 3. Sous les tilleuls (Under the lime-trees), 4. Dimanche soir (Sunday evening)
Some of the music will need to be rented or perhaps purchased.
4. Publicity report
RCS Spring Concert 2015
Attendance for June 2015 concert was 129, less than June 2014, 148. Orchestra members are our best promoters. They bring in 95% of the audience based on the questionnaires. The soloist was very popular. Chaitania Otto Hein, an audience member, has expressed interest in being on the board.
Patricia feels that the questionnaires should be discontinued next season. The collection and management of the questionnaires is time consuming and after two years, they contain little new information.
Friends of RCS Email list
The Email list is an important publicity tool and should be maintained. It is a personal and timely invitation to our concerts. To continue to add new people to the list, the recommendation is to use a “Sign In” book in the lobby, next to the donation box. Patricia will purchase the book and have it available at the board retreat for review and approval. A farther recommendation is to have the RCS president announce the availability of the "Sign In" book during the opening remarks at performances.
University Christian Church
Signage at the parking lot across the street from the University Christian Church (UCC) referred to a potential building being built there. This would make parking more difficult for future concerts. At this time Patricia recommends thinking carefully before changing our UCC concert location. It is very popular with questionnaire respondents.
Roster needs to be updated and maintained. There were some issues with the names on the Spring 2015 Concert program.
Posters and KING FM radio are good publicity.
5. Treasurer's report
Fiscal Year's Budget
This fiscal year's numbers are almost final.
• We have $6,385 in checking and $5,057 in savings.
• We are $2,500 up in income partially because of the increase in dues and concert donations.
• The 4Culture grant money hasn't arrived yet.
Next Fiscal Year's budget
Some of the changes for next year's budget include music rental, the cost of the move to MCNW, matching grants, and concert donations
6. Donor acknowledgement policy
Donations need to be acknowledged. How the donors will be acknowledged and at what amount thresholds still need to be determined.
7. Library report
The music we have needs to be verified with the documentation. New storage containers need to be purchased. This will be done prior to the move.
8. Development report
The 4Culture grant of $2,100 has not be received. John will look into this. The grant from Seattle Office of Arts and Culture for 35 chairs should be acknowledged (yes or no) sometime in July.
9. Membership report
The membership list needs to be updated on the website. George is not going to be here next year. This is a position that will need to be filled.
10. Venue report
Norse Home vs. Josephinum --- There was discussion about the pros and cons of each place. No final decision was made.
Loss of parking near UCC due to new building --- John will check the land-use request sign on the property to get more information
11. Vice President report
George and Patricia's positions need to be filled. Dana, Hanan, Ginnie, and George positions will be up for election this year. Dana will send a note to the symphony members to see if they have any recommendations for these open positions.
12. Planning for the move to Music Center of the Northwest (MCNW)
The move to the MCNW will occur at the end of August. By the 15th of August Doug needs four sets of keys and verification that the space is ready for the move. The equipment move will be handled by Hanan and Bruce. The things that need to be moved include percussion instruments, file cabinets, music, stands, podium. Hanan and Bruce will estimate how much space these things will require.
13. Review of action items from last year's retreat:
- a. Look for better rehearsal venue - Gennie--completed
b. Recruit bass players - All board members, flyers for string bass players will be placed in string shops - Patricia--on-going
c. Investigate how PayPal could be used to for Web donations and membership fees - Doug--completed
d. Program (given out at concert) improvements -- additions to the program - include PayPal information and acknowledgements of the Board Members, Coaches, and Grant Donors - Patricia--completed and on-going
e. Make sure we are treating donors and donations right - Linda, Doug, George--on-going
f. Take inventory of equipment - document the equipment belonging to RCS - Hanan--on-going
g. Record volunteer time for grant applications - Turn information to John for the Grants--on-going
h. Concert attire --Woman wear black bottoms with white or black shirts. Men wear black bottoms with a collared white or black shirts - Announce to members - Doug--completed
i. Contact section leaders - most have been contacted - Contact the rest - Dana--completed
14. Retreat Planning
The retreat will be Saturday, August 22, 2015 at Doug's House from 1 pm - 6 pm. It's a pot luck dinner. Please bring something to share.