Welcome to Rain City Symphony

Rain City Symphony's mission is to nurture and promote the appreciation of music by providing quality classical music performances in the Puget Sound region. Thank you for becoming part of this. Here's some information you may find useful. Please ask any questions you may have. We mostly don't bite.

We don't require auditions.

See below for the new, as of Fall 2023, Attendance Policy.


There is information for members (including this page) on our website – https://raincitysymphony.org. Some of the information is available to members only – to access that information, you need a website account and have member status. If you don't already have a website account, the registrar creates an account for you using the email you registered with. You should receive an email when the registrar creates the account along with instructions about how to establish your password so you can log on in the future.

We keep track of emails, phone numbers, and addresses using the website, so you can change these and other information about yourself in the "My account" section. Contact the webmaster to change your name. Other members have access to your name, address, telephone number, and email (see "Roster"). The public has access to your name, your instrument, your picture should you decide to provide one, and whatever information you choose to put in the Info section.

If you forget your password, you can use the “Member login” link to find the password reset option.

Email list

We send information regularly to our email list – which is still maintained separately from our website. Generally the registrar or webmaster adds your name to the list shortly after you register – you can request to be added before that.


For Fall 2021, we converted to a voluntary contribution model instead of dues. Our target is $75 or more for each member per quarter, but you can contribute whatever you feel comfortable giving. If you truly can afford nothing, please let the membership director know to register you for that quarter so you appear on the orchestra roster.

RCS is a non-profit charity - and contributions are tax deductible. We post complete financial reports on our website.


Rehearsals are 7:30 to 9:30 pm on Wednesdays. The complete rehearsal schedule is on the website – including what piece we are practicing. If you’re not playing in the piece we’re practicing, you don’t need to attend during that piece.

Attendance Policy

As of Fall 2023, we are instituting an attendance policy. Absences impact RCS in two ways:

  • A musician is less prepared for the upcoming concert.
  • A musician's absence results in fellow musicians being less prepared for the upcoming concert, as your part will not be covered if you are not there.

To attain the desired level of unified ensemble playing, accuracy of intonation, and nuanced dynamics:
Prior to the beginning of each quarter, each musician will assess whether they can attend their assigned rehearsals with no more than three (3) absences. If they have conflicts for more than three (3) assigned rehearsals, they will take a leave of absence for that quarter.

  • Once a quarter begins, if a musician playing a doubled part is absent for more than three (3) assigned rehearsals, they will take a leave of absence for the remainder of the quarter.
  • Once a quarter begins, if a musician playing a non-doubled part is absent for more than three (3) assigned rehearsals, they will take a leave of absence and will be responsible for finding a replacement for their part for the remainder of the quarter.

(The designation of “assigned” rehearsal acknowledges that there are some instruments that are not scheduled to rehearse in every rehearsal. It should also be noted that sectionals are considered an assigned rehearsal.)


We have a music notes page with links to the music online. Please download and print your music and bring it to all rehearsals. If you cannot do this, please let someone know so we can get it printed for you. You will get the link at the beginning of the quarter by email or see the music notes item in membership menu at the bottom of the page once you're logged in as a member.


Concerts are usually at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays. We ask that you are ready to play for warm-up/sound check at 6:30. There is a page on the website about concerts, dress, etc.